String Split and Join – HackerRank


In Python, a string can be split on a delimiter.


>>> a = "this is a string"
>>> a = a.split(" ") # a is converted to a list of strings. 
>>> print a
['this', 'is', 'a', 'string']

Joining a string is simple:

>>> a = "-".join(a)
>>> print a

You are given a string. Split the string on a " " (space) delimiter and join using a - hyphen.

Input Format
The first line contains a string consisting of space separated words.

Output Format
Print the formatted string as explained above.

Sample Input

this is a string

Sample Output



def split_and_join(line):
    a = line.split(" ")
    a = "-".join(a)
    return a

line = input()
result = split_and_join(line)

This is very simple problem to solve. You will basically split the inputed text by space (in this case that strings are passed over to line) and then join them by replacing those spaces with "-".

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