Coding Environment on macOS Catalina (2020) – Part 1 – Setup Your Machine Environment (MAMP)

It is 2020, you have your macOS Catalina and you are ready to start some coding. In this blog series, I will cover the following topics so you have the coding environment you need to start coding. Coding Environment discussed in this post is mainly focusing on developing web app / scripting.

Part 1: Setup Your Machine Environment

Part 2: Setup Your Repo

Part 3: Setup Your Tooling

In this post, we will cover the Part 1: Setup Your Machine Environment.

Part 1: Setup Your Machine Environment

When you got your macOS Catalina, you need some setup on your machine to at least have a local web server and database server setup. Usually this is a set of macOS, Apache, MySQL and PHP also known as MAMP.

macOS – this will be your OS platform where your foundation of the coding environment. If you want to learn more about macOS Catalina, check out macOS Catalina For Dummies.

Apache – Apache will be your web server where it will host your web app on your local machine. Go deeper with Apache Web Server Definitive Guide.

MySQL – MySQL will be your local database server. Use the MySQL for manipulating with data. MySQL is a very powerful database. Learning MySQL will broaden your skills on backend side.

PHP – PHP is the programming / scripting language you will be using to develop your web app. PHP will come in handy when you want to prototype web app. Combination of PHP and MySQL is powerful that you can make web app that handles data. Check out the PHP + MySQL CRUD examples for the basic CRUD operation using PHP.

Before you start developing your web app, you need to have these setup on your system. Please refer to “Setting Up Your Local Server on macOS Catalina”. This post will give you a step-by-step guide on how to prepare for making your macOS Catalina web development ready.

In the next post, Setup Your Repo, let’s cover the topic about how to setup your repo (repository). This is also an important topic as you need a place to manage your code.

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