How to pip install from GitHub Repo

In the “How to Create a Python Module Package” article, I shared the information on how to create a Python Module Package. In this post, let’s jump into using GitHub Repo as a host to install the Python Package.

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Setting Up the GitHub Repo

Assuming you have the Python Package ready (Please refer to How to Create a Python Module Package for more details how to create a Python Package), you need to have GitHub Repo to host the installation of your Python Package.

Check out How to use GitHub Desktop to manage your code post to setup your GitHub account and Repo.

Creating GitHub Repo

Once you have your GitHub account, create a new Repo (or Repository) by clicking the New.

GitHub New Button

Name the repository same as your Python Package name. Let’s use the Repository name techcookbook as the package name we used in the How to Create a Python Module Package post. I selected Public so you have access to this repo when you pip install to this repo.

Clone the Repository Locally

Once the Repository is created, clone the online repository to your local machine. (See How to use GitHub Desktop to manage your code post)

Add all your related files and directory of the Python Package to the local repository.

Once it is added, commit and push those files to (See How to use GitHub Desktop to manage your code)

Install Python Package from GitHub

By this time, you should have your Python Package up in the GitHub. Your GitHub repository should look something like below.

.git URL

pip install from GitHub is pretty easy. You need to know the .git path of your repository.

Click the Clone or download.

Make sure it is Clone with HTTPS. Copy the web URL. In this case:

pip install Python Package from GitHub

To pip install from GitHub, you need to add git+ in front of https URL. The full command looks something like below:

pip install git+

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